What We Do

The Family and Community Support Services Association of Alberta (FCSSAA) was founded in 1981, as a member-driven organization dedicated to bringing Family and Community Support Services (FCSS) programs from across the province together. We provide the platform for our member programs to connect and collaborate, so they can maximize resources and speak with an informed, credible, unified voice to all stakeholders.


Albertans are stronger together.

FCSSAA Mission

FCSSAA is a:

  • True Partner
  • Information Purveyor
  • Relationship Builder, and
  • Connector

…for our members, organizations, and partners.


For the FCSS community in search of education, communication, and connection to help them achieve their full potential, the FCSSAA offers membership benefits that encourage growth, understanding, and development. We are driven by our commitment to provide intrinsic member value, information, and resources to promote our common cause and support our mutual interests. In so doing, we strengthen our members’ capacity.  We embrace our role as advocates a