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Stay up to date with FCSSAA

The FCSSAA sends regular updates with key information that is applicable and relevant to FCSS programs and organizations in Alberta. These notices are posted here for easy reference. If you are interested in receiving these notices directly or in receiving the FCSSAA newsletter, please contact us.

Please feel free to sign up for our monthly newsletter that is sent out in the third week of the month.

(Six months of past issues are also listed below.)

FCSSAA Newsletter

The monthly FCSSAA newsletter provides updates and shares information about programs and their successes.

September 2024: FCSSAA Conference Registration opens, National Day for Truth and Reconciliation, Nominations for President, Poverty Simulation

August 2024: FCSS-branded clothing for sale, All about Directors’ Network, Member Renewal, New Info sharing topics

July 2024: Outcome Model Project Update, Conference Notes, Calgary Research Briefs, Non-profit Learning Resources, AGM Resolutions and President Nominations

June 2024: Website Work is Done!, 2025 Director’s Network Date, Feature on Gordon Thomas, Keynotes for 2024 FCSSAA Conference, Program Sharing Marketplace call

May 2024: Youth Work Meetings, Hotel Options for Conference, Website Updates, RDN Needs Assessment Survey, New Info Sharing Topics

April 2024: Youth Advisory Council, 2024 FCSSAA Conference, FRN Insights, Logo Design Support

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