FCSSAA Milestones


Known as Preventive Social Services at the time, the initial FCSS programs of Alberta began to grow steadily in number as communities expanded.


The precursor to the FCSSAA, the Preventive Social Services Association of Alberta was formally incorporated, staffed entirely by volunteers.


The Government of Alberta renamed Preventive Social Services to Family and Community Support Services. The FCSSAA duly changed its name to match – and received a provincial grant for the first time.


After years of consideration, the Constitution of the FCSSAA was amended for the first time, reevaluating the regional boundaries of each FCSS program.


With FCSS programming being moved to Municipal Affairs, FCSSAA membership numbers dropped steadily through the 90s. A motion was made to dissolve the FCSSAA entirely in 1996. Thankfully, the motion was defeated and the FCSSAA has grown tremendously since then.


With a thriving community of FCSS programs united under its banner, the FCSSAA continues to act as a strong voice to the government on their behalf, as well as helping them to forge resilient communities and provide preventive social service programming across Alberta.